
  Hironori iwai


  岩井 宏徳








  • S. Ishii, M. Koyama, P. Baron, H. Iwai, K. Mizutani, T. Itabe, A. Sato,
    and K. Asai, Ground-based integrated path coherent differential
    Asai, Partial CO2 Column-Averaged Dry-Air Mixing Ratio from Measurements
    absorption lidar measurement of CO2: foothill target return, Atmospheric
    Measurement Techniques, Vol.6, No.5, pp.1359-1369, 2013.

  • H. Iwai, S. Ishii, R. Oda, K. Mizutani, S. Sekizawa, and Y. Murayama,
    Performance and Technique of Coherent 2-μm Differential Absorption and
    Wind Lidar for Wind Measurement, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic
    Technology, Vol.30, No.3, pp.429-449, 2013.

  • 安井元昭, 石井昌憲, 岩井宏徳, ドップラーライダによる新しい気象観測, 電気学会誌,
    Vol.133, No.3, pp.138-140, 2013.

  • S. Ishii, K. Mizutani, P. Baron, H. Iwai, R. Oda, T. Itabe, H. Fukuoka,
    T. Ishikawa, M. Koyama, T. Tanaka, I. Morino, O. Uchino, A. Sato, and K.
    Asai, Partial CO2 Column-Averaged Dry-Air Mixing Ratio from Measurements
    by Coherent 2-μm Differential Absorption and Wind Lidar with Laser
    Frequency Offset Locking, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,
    Vol.29, No.9, pp.1169-1181, 2012.

  • M. Sawada, T. Iwasaki, W. Sha, T. Yamazaki, H. Iwai, S. Ishii,
    K. Mizutani, T. Itabe, and I. Yamada, Transient Downslope Winds under
    the Influence of Stationary Lee Waves from the Zao Mountain Range,
    Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Vol.90, No.1, pp.79-100,

  • Iwai H., Y. Murayama, S. Ishii, K. Mizutani, and T. Hashiguchi, Strong
    updraft at a sea-breeze front and associated vertical transport of
    near-surface dense aerosol observed by Doppler lidar and ceilometer,
    Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol.141, No.1, pp.117-142, 2011.

  • 石井昌憲, 岩井宏徳, 水谷耕平, ドップラーライダーによる風観測とその応用,
    レーザー研究, Vol.39, No.8, pp.596-600, 2011.

  • 小田僚子, 岩井宏徳, 村山泰啓, 石井昌憲, 水谷耕平, 板部敏和, 常松展充, 山
    田泉, 又吉直樹, 松島大, 余偉明, 山崎剛, 岩崎俊樹, ドップラーライダーを用
    いた内部境界層内乱流構造の水平分布形状に関する観測研究, 水工学論文集, 第
    54巻, pp.277-282, 2010.

  • Ishii, S., K. Mizutani, F. Fukuoka, T. Ishikawa, P. Baron, H. Iwai, T.
    Aoki, T. Itabe, A. Sato, and K. Asai, Coherent 2 μm differential
    absorption and wind lidar with conductively cooled laser and two-axis
    scanning device, Applied Optics, Vol.49, No.10, pp.1809-1817, 2010.

  • Tsunematsu, N., H. Iwai, S. Ishii, M. Yasui, Y. Murayama, and K.
    Mizutani, Influence of surface-based stable layer development on asian
    dust behaviour over Tokyo, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol.131, No.2,
    pp.263-275, 2009.

  • Tsunematsu, N., H. Iwai, S. Ishii, Y. Murayama, M. Yasui, and K.
    Mizutani, The formation of sharp multi-layered wind structure over Tokyo
    associated with sea-breeze circulation, SOLA, Vol.5, pp.1-4, 2009.

  • Iwai, H., S. Ishii, N. Tsunematsu, K. Mizutani, Y. Murayama, T. Itabe,
    I. Yamada, N. Matayoshi, D. Matsushima, W. Sha, T. Yamazaki, and T.
    Iwasaki, Dual-Doppler lidar observation of horizontal convective rolls
    and near-surface streaks, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol.35, L14808,
    doi:10.1029/2008GL034571, 2008

  • Hashimoto, K., H. Iwai, Y. Ueda, H. Kojima, and H. Matsumoto, Software
    wave receiver for the SS-520-2 rocket experiment, IEEE Transactions
    Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.41, No.11, pp.2638-2647, 2003.
  • Iwai, H., Y. Ueda, H. Kojima, K. Hashimoto, I. Nagano, T. Okada, and H.
    Matsumoto, Plasma wave analyzer for the SS-520-2 rocket experiment in
    the polar cusp region, Proceedings of 23rd International Symposium and
    Space Technology and Science, pp.2092-2095, 2002.
  • 上田義勝, 小嶋浩嗣, 岩井宏徳, 藤原亮介, 橋本弘藏, 松本紘, 長野勇, 岡田敏
    美, 北極ロケット実験搭載用ディジタル制御型プラズマ波動受信機の開発, 電子
    情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J84-B, No.10, pp.1808-1818, 2001.




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