Open House 2017
The Okinawa Electromagnetic Technology Center (NICT Okinawa) held "Open
House" on Nobember 23rd, 2017.
Nago Science Festa 2017
The Okinawa Electromagnetic Technology Center (NICT Okinawa) will make
a presentation in Nago Science Festa in Nago City on January 28th, 2017.
Open House 2016
The Okinawa Electromagnetic Technology Center (NICT Okinawa) held "Open
House" on Nobember 23rd, 2016.
"Good-job" Event in Onna Village
The Okinawa Electromagnetic Technology Center (NICT Okinawa) made a presentation
in the "Good-job" event for children in Onna village on Nobember
6th, 2016.
Open House 2015
The Okinawa Electromagnetic Technology Center (NICT Okinawa) held "Open
House" on Nobember 21st, 2015.
Open House 2014
The Okinawa Electromagnetic Technology Center (NICT Okinawa) will be opened
to the public on Nobember 22, 2014.
Open House 2013
The Okinawa Electromagnetic Technology Center (NICT Okinawa) held "Open
House" on Nobember 23rd, 2013.
Open House 2012
The Okinawa Electromagnetic Technology Center (NICT Okinawa) held "Open
House" on Nobember 23rd, 2012.
Open House 2011
The Okinawa Electromagnetic Technology Center (NICT Okinawa) held "Open
House" on Nobember 23rd, 2011.
Open House 2008
The Okinawa Subtropical Environment Remote-Sensing Center (NICT Okinawa)
held "Open House" on July 27th, 2008.
Open House 2007
The Okinawa Subtropical Environment Remote-Sensing Center (NICT Okinawa)
held "Open House" on August 19th, 2007.
Open House 2006
The Okinawa Subtropical Environment Remote-Sensing Center (NICT Okinawa)
held "Open House" on July 23rd, 2006.
Open House 2005
The Okinawa Subtropical Environment Remote-Sensing Center (NICT Okinawa)
held "Open House" on July 31st, 2005.
Open House 2004
The Okinawa Subtropical Environment Remote-Sensing Center (NICT Okinawa)
held "Open House" on August 1st, 2004.
NICT start
The National Institute of Information and Comuunications Technology was
establisshed on April 1st, 2004, by integrating the Communications Research
Labratory (CRL) and the Telecommunications Advancement Organization (TAO).
Open House 2003
The Okinawa Subtropical Environment Remote-Sensing Center (CRL Okinawa)
held "Open House" on August 3rd, 2003.
The exhibition room renewal open
The exhibition room was reopened on the 1st of March 2003 after updating
of the displays in its eight sections.
Science Camp 2002
"Science Camp 2002" was held during the summer vacation. This
was planned at CRL Okinawa for Aug. 7th-9th, 2002. This was the first time
the Science Camp was held in Okinawa.
Open House 2002
The Okinawa Subtropical Environment Remote-Sensing Center (CRL Okinawa)
held "Open House" on July 20th & 21st, 2002.
Onna Research Facility was opened
On April 14th, 2002, the Onna Research Facility was established at the
Communications Research Laboratory Okinawa Subtropical Environment Remote-Sensing
Center (CRL Okinawa).
The Okinawa Electromagnetic Technology Center (NICT Okinawa) website was
launched on April 13, 2002.