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PositionZone1 Encounter the Sub-Tropical Climate Wall of Wind and Wall of Waves

The exhibition area opens with a depiction of Okinawa's rich culture, which has been nurtured by the island's subtropical climate.

Okinawa is blessed with numerous natural riches, one of which is its lush climate. Welcome to the world of environmental remote-sensing technology.
There are two walls displaying the Okinawan names for the wind and waves. Surrounded as it is by water, Okinawa boasts a variety of distinctive designations for different types of wind and waves.

Wall of Waves Zoom UPWall of Wind Zoom UP

Wall of Wind and Wall of Waves
The "shiisa" is a popular Okinawan icon. These figures perch on the roofs of houses, warding off evil spirits with a ferocity fueled by devotion to those they protect. In our eyes, the role of the Okinawa Electromagnetic Technology Center is like that of a "shiisa". Our radars watch over the movements of ocean and atmosphere around the world to improve the lives of its inhabitants. Like the eyes of the "shiisa", these radars keep watch over the globe from the island of Okinawa.

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