Journal Articles
- Sato,K., H.Horie, H.Hanado, and H.Kumagai, A Digital-Analog Hybrid Technique for Low Range Sidelobe Pulse Compression, 2001, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, Vol.39, No.7, pp.1612-1615.
- Hisaki.Y., R.Tokeshi, W.Fujiie, K.Sato, and S.Fujii, Surface current variability east of Okinawa Island obtained from remotely sensed and in-situ observational data, 2001, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, Vol.106, No.C12, pp.31057-31073
Conference Papers
- Ikebuchi,T., N.Takatsu, W.Koterayama, M.Nakamura, S.Fujii, K.Sato, T.Kita, and T.Okada, A New Wave Monitoring System on CRL Platform -COMPASS-, 2001, International Workshop on Autonomous Measurements of Biogeochemical Parameters in the Ocean
- Balan,N., S.Kawamura, T.Nakamura, M.Yamamoto, K.Igarashi, S.Fukao, and S.Watanabe, Dynamical coupling of the upper atmosphere at mid latitudes, 2001, 15th Atomospheric Symposium.
- Sato,S. and Joshua Wurman, Accuracy of wind fields in convective and stratiform echoes observed by a bistatic Doppler radar network, 2001, 30th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, pp.139-141.
- Nakagawa,K., H.Hanado, S.Sato, T.Iguchi, and S.Fujii, Development of the Okinawa Polarization Rain Radar: COBRA, 2001, Fifth International Syposium on Hydrological Applications of Weather Radar- Radar Hydrology -, pp.153-158.
- Nakagawa,K., H.Hanado, S.Sato, and T.Iguchi, Development of the CRL Okinawa Bistatic Polarimetric Radar (COBRA),2001,The Third International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System (ISAM3) meeting, pp.314-319.
Oral Presentation
- Masuda,A., T.Kusaba, K.Marubayashi, M,Ishibashi, S.Fujii, K.Sato, A.Okuno, Y.Nakajima, and H.Yamamoto, Measurement of the Surface Current ini the Tsushima Strait by HF Radars, 2001, 2001 CREAMS Symposium (International Symposium on Oceanography of the East Asian Marginal Seas).
- Igarashi,K. and H.Kato, The 2-16 day recurrence cycle as seen on sporadic E layer occurrence and planetary wave observed with MF radar, 2001, SEEK-2 Workshop.
- Matsuoka,T., S.Uratsuka, M.Satake, T.Kobayashi, A.Nadai, T.Umehara, H.Maeno, H.Wakabayashi, F.Nishio, and Y.Fukamachi, Identification of sea ice types in the Sea of Okhotsk using dual-frequency airborne SAR (Pi-SAR) data,2001, International Glaciological Society (IGS)-4th International Symposium on Remote Sensing in Glaciology, No.69, pp.23-24.
- Wakabayashi,H., T.Tadono, M.Shimada, T.Matsuoka, K.Nakamura, F.Nshio and Y.Fukamachi, Sea Ice Observation in the Sea of Okhotsk by Airborne L-band Polarimetric SAR, 2001, PIERS 2001 (Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium).
- Adachi,T., Y.Masuda and S.Fujii, Development of a 400 MHz-band Wind Profiler Radar in Okinawa,2001,The Thred International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System (ISAM3), No.F-5, pp.309-313.
